Friday, June 19, 2009

I guess I stink at blogging

Just realized I haven't written anything since April...whoops. Lots going on. We conducted our first focus groups on school values and got some really interesting stuff. I think the research will offer a lot of fodder for further study. I also completed my lit review on civic engagement and social capital. I also ended my career as a PR professional at the Delaware Area Career Center and started my new venture as the Executive Director for NSPRA/Ohio. I am also busy getting ready to begin my position as the summit manager of the Ohio Department of Education's Education-Economic summit. I have a lot of new ventures and am starting to feel the pressure of having several learning curves to tackle. I am happy my spring quarter course ended in an A, so my confidence as a student is restored. I do hate APA and citing, however, and realize I have a lot of review I need to do to remember how to document everything. I got emails from two of my summer professors with reading to do and school starts Monday!! I will have to get cracking tomorrow.

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